I am excited to announce the dates for the Back to School Site Wide Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers! This Monday-Tuesday, you can get 20% off items in my store and if you enter the discount code BTS14 you get an extra 8% off. So what kinds of products should you put in your cart? I'm linking up with Mrs. Miracle's Music Room to talk about some of my favorite products.
BUNDLES! All of the things that I want to talk about are bundled. First, I want to talk about the theme that I am using to decorate my room...*drum roll please* Music ROCKS!
This bundle features Rockin’ on Lines and Spaces Treble Staff Display
Ready to Rock Proficiency ScaleRock Star Ensembles Solo, Duet, Trio, etc… Bulletin Board
Monthly Display These Songs Rock
Music Class Rules: In Music We… Bulletin Board
Music ROCKS! Music Advocacy Bulletin Board
I'm in the printing, cutting and laminating stage of getting my classroom ready to rock. I hope to post some pictures within the week.
In addition to getting my room décor ready I'm ready to make some copies of my exit tickets so they are within arm's reach during the first few weeks. I love being able to capture a snapshot of what students understand with these little slips!
Here's what's bundled up in this package:
Exit Tickets for Music Class-INSTRUMENTSExit Tickets for Music Class-NOTES AND RESTS
Exit Tickets for Music Class-TEMPO, DYNAMICS and MUSICAL OPPOSITES
Exit Tickets for Music Class-TREBLE CLEF PITCHES
Okay...so I've got my room decorated and a plan to assess my kiddos. Now what? Let's plan some awesome! This fall my 2nd graders will study Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals. We'll write, move, play, listen and even make crafts during this unit. Wanna see what we are doing? It is all in this bundle!
I'm also looking to fill my cart with goodies from some great music sellers. These NURSERY RHYME FOLDABLE BOOKLETS AND POSTERS by Tweet Music are already in my cart!
The sale ends Tuesday! I hope you find lots of things as you plan for a great new year!

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