I just LOVE this year's Red Ribbon Week theme: iTune Out Drugs, Our School ROCKS Drug Free! In preparing for this fun week (which features days like "Heavy Metal Hair Day") we are decorating the school. There are guitars hung in the hall ways and musical banners hanging for everyone to see. I have a couple of bulletin boards up.
This board is in the main hallway and displays a HUGE iPod. The songs on the playlist are "
My Mind is Mine", "
I Will Dare", "
Drug Free Me", "
Too Smart to Start" and "Drugs Stink". Follow the links on these songs to purchase a copy for your iPod or MP3 player at home.
I know. I just love things that are punny! This clever wall display runs down the hallway by the music room. on the keys students have illustrated activities they can do instead of doing drugs.
Band and Choir members created their own display for Red Ribbon Week. Their iPods contain drug free messages and they are held by hands that students traced and cut out.
Here's a bulletin board that you can download, print and post.