Workstations-Learning the Treble Clef Lines and Spaces

I'm always looking for interesting ways to review the pitch names (letter names) of the treble clef staff.  This week and next 6th graders will be working in small groups to practice.

Boomwhacker Station

At this station students work together to read simple melodies on the treble clef staff and play them together using Boomwhackers.

Coloring Station
Even the big kids like to color!  At this station they are using a color by note worksheet.  Teachers: You can find this resource at the website of the fabulous Martha Stanley.

iPad Station-Flashnote Derby

At this station, students used the Flashnote Derby app to test their knowledge of the treble clef lines and spaces.  This fast paced review really helps see who knows their notes!

Gone Fishin'

At this station students sat on a large tablecloth (I wish I had a blue one!) and matched fish to fishbowls.  Each fishbowl had a treble clef staff with 3-8 notes on it.  By identifying the letter names of each, students discovered that it spelled a word.  Then they found the matching fish which had a word on it.

Spell a Story
At this station, students worked on a pitch identification worksheet.  As they identify the pitch names of the notes they complete a story.

Treble Twist Up
Everyone likes Twister, right?  This game is a great deal like Twister.  I created a staff with a plain shower curtain and electrical tape.  I've also created them with masking tape on carpet too.  Works great!  Students then use a spinner that I created and follow the directions "Right Hand E!"  "Left foot B!" for a fun and physical way to review pitch names.

 Teachers:  You can download the template to make your own Treble Twist Up spinner HERE.

Fruit Loop Notation

What a fun way to review ta and titi notes!  First and Second graders are using Fruit Loops to "write" what they hear.

Kindergarten Body Percussion

This week in Kindergarten music we've explored composing with body percussion.  The easiest way to do that is to make patterns using body percussion cards.  Each card has a picture of one of these movements: clap, snap, patsch or stomp.  On the back of each card is a quarter rest.  Students work in pairs to create their own compositions and then perform them.  What fun!

Teachers:  You can download the PPT with the body percussion patterns HERE.  It was created by Linda Abbott with illustrations by Laurie Zentz.

Drumming-3rd Grade

This video contains a short clip of my 3rd Graders doing a group drumming piece.

I Know an Old Lady-Composing New Verses

We have been rewriting the classic "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" in First Grade Music.  First we read/sang the book and then wrote and illustrated one verse.  It was fun to sing a silly mixed up version of all our new verses.  The silly old lady swallowed houses, dirt bikes, dinosaurs and more!

During our next class period when reviewed and the remixed the WHOLE song!  We illustrated our new versions.  Here are a few examples:

So much fun!  Download the one verse worksheet HERE.
Download the entire song worksheet HERE.
THIS is the book that we used in class.

Pipe Cleaner Notation

In Second Grade we used pipe cleaners (or chenille stems) to create the notes that we have learned: quarter notes (ta), half notes (ta-a) and barred eighth notes (titi).  Then we worked in groups to create patterns and clapped them together. 

This fabulous project was inspired by Mrs. Lukow.  Visit her classroom blog.

Viva Valentine!

Kindergarteners spell the word "Valentine" while singing "Viva Valentine" from Music K-8 Magazine.  Parents can download the song HERE.

Steady Beat Pete

We LOVE Pete the Cat.  Earlier in the year we read, sang and moved to Pete the Cat: Rockin' in My School Shoes.  This quarter some Kindergarteners and First Graders got to sing "Four Groovy Buttons" with Pete.  After reading the book and identifying patterns, we listened to to song.  (Available to download here.)
Next we analyzed the song to find the strong beats.  We used the button patterns below to identify the first beat in every measure as the strongest beat.  Then we noticed that the third beat of every measure was pretty strong too.  We colored that beat pink.  Next students created their own patterns by coloring in the other buttons.  We used these charts as we chanted and sang "Four Groovy Buttons".

Teachers can get the worksheet HERE.
Download the song HERE.
See the video HERE.

Bearytones at the Ballgame

Congratulations to the Bearytones for a wonderful performance of our national anthem.