5 Ways to Use Pop Tubes in Music Class

Use pop tubes in music class with these 5 easy ideas. elementary music education, pop toobs, fidget toys, music classroom, music manipulatives.

If you can't beat 'em, join them!  Pop tubes are a popular fidget toy in elementary schools across the nation.  They can also be a fun and engaging tool for music education.  

Pop tubes are plastic bendy tubes that you can pull and push to expand or condense.  They make a hollow popping sound.  When fully extended, you can swing them around in the air and they make a pleasant sound as well.

You can find pop tubes at local discount stores, dollar stores, Amazon and toy stores.  When searching for them you may find them named pop toobs, whirly tubes  or "expanding tube toy." 

When I have students use the tubes, I always have them place it on a drum stick or rhythm stick.  This allows students to move them back and forth quickly without the tubes bending wildly.  I also insist that students hold their sticks and tubes horizontally.  This curbs the giggles of 5th and 6th grade boys that arise when held vertically.

Ways to Use Pop Tubes

Use to Accompany

Pop tubes make a delightful and oddly satisfying sound and are fun to play with pieces like "La Raspa" and "Blue Danube" as the obvious "ti ta" response to these pieces.  I've also used the pop tubes in the place of clapping or snapping for songs like "The Clapping Song",  "Addams Family Theme" and "If You're Happy and You Know It".
If you're happy and you know it, pop your tube.
If you're happy and you know it, pop your tube.
Pop it high and pop it low.  Pop it fast and pop it slow.
If you're happy and you know it, pop your tube.

Rhythm Reading with Flashcards 

Practicing rhythms with flashcards is as boring as practicing multiplication facts with flashcards.  Add pop tubes as the instrument students use and suddenly flashcards are great fun!  This makes a great workstation.  Set out 4-5 pop tubes and a stack of flashcards.  Done.

Poison Rhythms

Pop tubes have made a fun addition to Poison Rhythm Games.  You can read more about how to play Poison Rhythm here: POISON RHYTHMS.  You can also purchase one or all of the ready to go games at my TeachersPayTeachers store The Bulletin Board Lady.

Use pop tubes in music class with these 5 easy ideas. elementary music education, pop toobs, fidget toys, music classroom, music manipulatives.


I use these What Do You Hear worksheets with my 3rd-5th graders.  The process is to perform the patterns, then listen as I play the pattern on a drum, cowbell or other percussion instruments.  Next, they circle the pattern they heard.  I add pop tubes to the first step.  Students read and perform the patterns on the pop tubes, then listen, then circle.  It really adds some fun to assessment. Click the picture to take a closer look at this set of worksheets.

Use pop tubes in music class with these 5 easy ideas. elementary music education, pop toobs, fidget toys, music classroom, music manipulatives.

Four Rhythm Cards

I should really find a better name for these, but it is working for now.  You can download these cards for free and read about other ways to use them HERE.  Here's what I do with the cards and pop tubes:

After passing out the pop tubes, I choose a song with a medium to fast beat (which are much easier than slower songs) and start it while holding up one of the cards.  Students use the pop tubes to play the pattern as an ostinato until I change the card.  That's really it!  It is a fun way to use pop music in your classroom.  (See, what I did there?  POP music?  LOL). It also gets students excited about practicing rhythms and performing as an ensemble.

Use pop tubes in music class with these 5 easy ideas. elementary music education, pop toobs, fidget toys, music classroom, music manipulatives.

I store my pop tubes in a plastic shoebox container.  They are easy to clean.  You can have students expand them and then spray them with Lysol or they can go in a sink of hot, soapy water.  If you enjoyed these ideas, pin them for later.
Use pop tubes in music class with these 5 easy ideas. elementary music education, pop toobs, fidget toys, music classroom, music manipulatives.

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Bulletin Boards for February ❤️

There are so many things to recognize and celebrate in February.  Valentine's Day, President's Day, Black History Month and Random Acts of Kindness Day are in February just to name a few.  Here are four bulletin boards that are easy to print and post during the shortest and sometimes busiest month of the year.

Music bulletin board ideas February, Black History Month, Valentines & Kindness Day.

This colorful bulletin board is great for Black History Month or to post and leave up all year. It features 26 amazing musicians. Each musician is featured in an ABC format (with a few liberties taken with the alphabetization). On each page there is a picture and a short synopsis of their careers and accomplishments.

Music bulletin board ideas February, Black History Month, Valentines & Kindness Day.

Celebrate Jazz with some of these amazing musicians: 
Duke Ellingon, John Coltrane, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Thelonius Monk, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, David Brubeck, Benny Goodman, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Max Roach, Wynton Marsalis, Count Basie and Jelly Roll Morton

Music bulletin board ideas February, Black History Month, Valentines & Kindness Day.

Let's change the way we talk to ourselves and make it more positive.  This bulletin board reminds students to do the same too.

Music bulletin board ideas February, Black History Month, Valentines & Kindness Day.

Random Act of Kindness Day is February 17th so it is a great month to inspire students to be kind.  This colorful bulletin board does that.  Check it out and you can pick up a free kindness bunting to decorate the halls too!
I hope these ideas have inspired you and I hope you have the best February ever!

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Music bulletin board ideas February, Black History Month, Valentines & Kindness Day