Christmas Wish List for Music Teachers

Teachers Pay Teachers site wide sale is almost here!  On Monday, November 30th through Tuesday, December 1st you'll have an opportunity to save save SAVE!  You get 10% off of EVERYTHING by using the promo code SMILE when you check out.  Most of my store will be on sale and you'll save 28% total on tons of great resources for your classroom. Go wishlist some things now so you'll be ready!

Here are a few things you might want to wishlist:
 Musicals MEGA Growing Bundle

1.  Musicals MEGA PACK - A Growing Bundle
I love musicals!  I've been wanting to take the things that I use with musicals in my class and turn them into something prettier I can share with you all.  Finally this massive project is underway.  This MEGA PACK is actually a growing bundle.  It will contain no less than 10 musicals (each set is about 28-40 pages) and already has a couple of bonus products that you might like.  At first this was going to be finished in December, but now I think that it will be an endless bundle and that I will continue to add to it as I add more musical packs to my store.  Each time I add one, the price goes up so it is best to grab it now to save.  Right now there are seven musicals included.  Don't miss out!

 Amahl and the Night Visitors by The Bulletin Board Lady

In December, I often have 2 grade levels preparing for a performance in addition to my after school choir.  It is such a busy time!  I often plan for some classes to watch Amahl and the Night Visitors.  I love this operetta and find it is a GREAT way to introduce students to opera.  We watch the video with the viewing guide that is included and then do several of the writing activities.  This works great with a sub too and I usually have a few days that I'm traveling with performing groups in December and need one.
3.  Christmas Music Listening Glyphs
If you loved my John Williams Listening Glyphs, Armed Services (and other patriotic music) Listening Glyphs or Nutcracker Listening Glyphs, you'll love this seasonal set that features 10 different classic Christmas songs.  Okay...and one from Pentatonix and The Brian Setzer Orchestera because my students LOVE those!   There are 10 different glyphs in 4 versions so that you can choose what will work best with your students.  Learn more HERE. for a couple of things on my wishlist:
Amy Abbott's Songs for the Holidays, Winter and Beyond.  Holy moly!  This is such a great bundle and I can't believe how much is included!!!  She includes so much with her resources and I'm excited to crack it open and take a look.

Lindsay Jervis' Christmas Rhythm Composition set.  This is hot off the presses and contains worksheets, rubrics and a lesson plans.  Uhm...awesome!  I think this will work really great in centers and with the lesson plan included I could leave it for a sub too.

I'm linking up with Lindsay from the Kodaly Inspired Classroom to share wishlists.  Click HERE to see more!
 WIshlist LInky
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