First Grade Centers-just a peek!

First graders are exploring a variety of musical activities in stations as our school year comes to a close.

 In first grade we are old pros are reading quarter notes (ta) and barred eighth notes (titi).  At the play dough station we practiced making them in a new way!  We also worked on creating a treble clef which was quite difficult!

 Vocal Visualizations are fun!  This set features a Star Wars theme.  Students vocalized using "ooo", "aaah" and "zzzzzz" like a spaceship.  They took turns being the leader and guiding their group to follow the path.  So much fun!
At another station we used craft sticks to create rhythm patterns using notes and rests that we know.  Some groups we quite adventurous and built rhythms that stretched to 30 beats long!
Later this summer I'll post a more complete list of the centers that we've worked on this year.  Teachers:  You can find the Star Wars vocalization activity HERE.

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