Lucky Musicians

For Music In Our Schools Month I volunteered to do the bulletin board in the main foyer.

At my little school I did the bulletin board in the main hallway.  Same concept just a slightly different layout.

The plates contain music quotes, statistics about the awesomeness of music education and pictures from music class and performances this year.

Many of the quotes and statistics were found at

Find more music bulletin boards that are print and post in my TeachersPayTeacher store.

Music in Our Schools Month

Wow!  So many awesome things are happening in the music room right now I've had no time to blog!  First and Second Graders are preparing for their Music of the Night concert next week.  This concert features songs about bedtime and is sure to be a hit.

We've created a huge display of singing faces in the hallway outside the music room.  Photos will be posted soon.  We created this display in celebration of Music in Our Schools Month.