Simple Thriller Dance-video and instructions

I am so proud of the 5th and 6th graders that are working hard preparing for their concert on October 25th.  Below is a sample video of the Thriller dance that you can use to practice at home.  In addition there's a step sheet to show you the moves.  Its a little confusing to look at the step sheet, but hopefully with the video to help you it will make things clearer.  With three weeks still to go, this group is really making progress.


  1. What fun! And the kids are so focussed!

  2. Wow! Marvelous job! I am so impressed! This is something I think my students might be able to do too! My students will love seeing you all and learning the Thriller moves from your example. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for this, I am going to teach my students in the after school program the dance video you did!

  4. Hi Mrs. King! I LOVED doing this with my classes years ago and would like to do it again. The step sheet isn't downloading for me. Any chance it could be sent to me or refreshed through the link? Thanks for always sharing your amazing ideas!
